Creative Writing: Flash Fiction 3

Written for a KS3 English group, but can be easily adapted for older and aspects taken for younger students. Can be used as a stand-alone session looking at last lines and editing stories, broken up into two sessions or as the third part of a series on short short stories.
Timing was really tight with this one, so if you can break it down into two sessions, that is probably better.
This session starts by questioning what makes a good ending to a story, and what that purpose of a last line is. It goes on to look at examples of last lines and last lines in short short stories. For those following the activity, there are also tips on writing that last line.
The second half of this session looks at editing a story and how to cut back when every word counts.
This session has prompt questions throughout, but as it is a discussion-based session, they really are only there for when conversation dries up, and are just a flexible guide.