Cambs HE Forum, 15th March 2023: Highlights, Minutes and More
After a couple of years break (COVID), the Cambs HE Forum finally met up again in March of this year.
After a couple of years break (COVID), the Cambs HE Forum finally met up again in March of this year.
Nonverbal learning disorder/disability (NVLD) is a little known neurological condition in the UK, but it sits along side other learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, autism, dyspraxia, and ADD/ADHD. Nonverbal learning disorder/disability (NVLD) is a little known neurological condition in the UK, but it sits along side other learning difficulties […]
For home educators, nothing marks the start of a new academic year like a Not Back To School picnic. For home educators, nothing marks the start of a new academic year like a Not Back To School picnic.
If you are new to home ed, have never had a child in school, and/or don’t keep up with national politics, you may well be confused as to why all these home educators are making a fuss about a ‘schools’ bill’. Surely, it has nothing to do with us, right? […]
This is the first survey, in what aims to be an annual project, designed to track any trends in availability and pricing of exam centres for Electively Home Educated (EHE) and Educated Other Than At School (EOTAS) exam takers. This is the first survey, in what aims to be an […]
Through a virtual meet up, Cambridgeshire home educators were able to pool their exams knowledge and experience to be able to share this with other home educators that are new to or flirting with the world of exams. These are the minutes from that meeting complete with relevant links. Through […]
School never interested me, but I was unbelievably excited to go to sixth form. I’d been looking forward to it pretty much since I began my GCSEs, when I was 13. Though I loved HE, and had an incredible overall experience, I craved the independence and opportunity to make new […]
Confused as to why home educators can’t just be graded ‘like everybody else’? This open letter addressed to Baroness Berridge spells out the problems for home educators who are trying to get graded this summer, following the cancellation of exams. Confused as to why home educators can’t just be graded […]
Where there is ignorance, prejudice and discrimination tend not to be too far behind. Despite COVID introducing the concept of ‘home schooling’ to the UK, ‘home education’ remains a mystery to most, leaving myths to be confused with facts, and out-dated, deep-seated prejudices room to find new life. Where there […]
When new parents ask about HE and exams, they think the worst part is getting started on the GCSE ladder, little do they know that, for so many of us, it is the getting your child to the exam centre that leaves you with sleepless nights and cold sweats. When […]