Sand, Sea & Other Stuff Booklet

This mini-booklet was created for a pre-GCSE geography group, although there is much overlap with the GCSE syllabuses. It looks at coastal erosion, how waves move, why the sea is blue, how boats float, features of the ocean floor and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
It was done in 2014/5, so some of the figures may be a little out of date now, but as far as I am aware, coast still erode in the same way, the sea is still blue and no one has managed to get rid of all the rubbish yet, so it should still be relevant to your bog-standard KS3/4 student. Usually, I am really bad at keeping track of sources, but somehow I have managed to keep loads for this booklet, that have been added to the end of the document.
It has cross-over with environmental management and physics.
To make:
- Print out.
- Fold each sheet in half along the shortest length (print on the outside).
- Fold in half again along the shortest length (pages 1 and 12 on the outside of the first sheet, and 3 and 10 on the outside of the second page, and 5 and 8 on the outside of the third sheet), so that each sheet is a quarter of its original size.
- All the page numbers should now be at the bottom of each side, so place the second folded sheet inside the first folded sheet, and the third sheet inside the second, hopefully giving you pages 1-12 as a readable booklet.